Monday, March 31, 2008

Explore Your Individuality

The Moon has just gone into Aquarius, a fine Air sign , so it's time to break some old habits and set a course for change. Put the rebellious energy out there to good use. Dare to be the unique individual you were born to be and revel in your personal freedom. With the Sun in Aries, the fire and air combination heralds many opportunites: Air helps Fire take a more logical, thoughtful path toward success and Fire gives Air a sense of purpose and shines a light of focus through the myriad of collected data, thoughts, and information.

Affirmation for the day: Everything I touch is a succes.

Friday, March 28, 2008

Structure, Structure, Structure

The moon just entered Capricorn, an earth sign, which helps us develop a strong sense of structure. If you haven't calculated your income taxes yet, this would be a good time to do so. For the next couple of days, focus on responsibilities, traditions and obligations. If you're inclined to any particular faith, this would be a good time to attend a church service. If you have any regular family gatherings to attend over the weekend, the energies will be in place to facilitate them as well.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Divination Deck of the Week:

Healing with the Angels Oracle Cards

The Healing with the Angels Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue is a great deck to help get you more fully aligned with your intuition. The cards are beautiful and the enclosed booklet provides some suggested meanings and reading layouts. Of course, you can always just select one card for some quick insight.

Monday, March 24, 2008

Birthday Blitz

I'm off for the day celebrating my birthday, so have a laugh with TV's Craig Ferguson.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Happy Easter!

I wish you blessings this beautiful Easter Sunday. May you spend the day exactly as you want to spend it, be it with family and friends or on your own in your own secluded paradise.

I share with you an affirmation I acquired in church today:

God's creative power is mine as I create a life that calls forth the glory of the Christ in me and in others.

Peace be with you.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Happy Spring!

Happy first day of spring, Ostara and Spring Equinox. The full moon almost upon us makes for a very potent entry into the Spring season. The moon is in Virgo, so be a stickler for details; get your ducks in a row. Monitor your health and your daily schedule.

Many are celebrating Ostara today, which is the Neopagan festival with a number of different meanings. Some honor the Teutonic goddess Ostara cited in Jacob Grimm’s Deutsche Mythologie (German Mythology). Others celebrate the young god regaining strength in his youth after being born at Yule as the goddess returns to her maiden aspect. Christians celebrate Holy Week, as Easter nears. Many speculate that the name of the Easter holiday was taken from the Ostara tradition.

At 1:48 a.m. EDT today, the Sun entered Aries, so if you’re a ram like me, get ready to celebrate your birthday.

Whatever your preference, enjoy the day!

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Meditation Equation

I’m focusing more on meditation in my prayer routine once again. I used to have a fairly disciplined routine for meditation, but let myself fall away from it. Participating in the free course sponsored by Oprah Winfrey featuring Ms. Winfrey and author Eckhart Tolle has helped me see the need to return to meditation, to temporarily set aside the outside world. The course features Tolle’s book, A New Earth: Awakening to Your Life’s Purpose. You can still get enrolled for the course, and all past episodes are online at Ms. Winfrey’s site to watch or download.

A priest recently gave me a wonderful suggestion for my meditation practice. He said to go to with Mother Mary to see Jesus. I was to ask Mary to put her hand on my shoulder as I spoke to Him, then focus on the feelings of what I wanted to release, not the words, and to talk to Jesus as he’s on the cross (since we’re in Holy Week). I was to look in his eyes as I talked to him. I followed the priest’s guidance and felt some release of my burdens. Whatever form your meditation may take, I encourage you to develop a regular meditation time. Five minutes to start is great. Pray, asking your Creator what you want, then take time to meditate, listening to the messages that are being given to you. All of the answers we could ever need are within us - we just need to open ourselves to receive them.


Monday, March 17, 2008

Divination Deck of the Week:

The Housewive's Tarot

The Housewives Tarot: A Domestic Divination Kit by Paul Kepple and Jude Buffum is a delightfully fun way to get some metaphysical guidance for your busy day. It’s a traditional Ryder-style deck, with a “Leave It to Beaver” feel. Suggested readings include The Dinette,The Neapolitan,The Clothesline of Life and The Martini,We all need a little camp in our lives and this deck is a great way to get it. Kick back after your busy day, be it attending meetings where no one’s saying anything useful or washing your family’s clothes and getting dinner ready, lay out the cards and let Calgon take you away.

You can see the deck up close and personal online. Just click on “Enter”; then click on the Tarot Reading tab for a free electronic reading.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Cancer Calling Leo

The waxing moon enters the day in Cancer, but enters Leo at 9:04 p.m. Eastern time, so focus on domestic concerns and nurturance until tonight, and then begin to go within for the next couple of days. Let it all be more about yourself. Focus more on central ideas as well. Just don't become melodramatic. Soap operas are on the air for that.

Friday, March 14, 2008

Waxing Our Way to Happiness

Here's an image of today's moon, complements of the United States Navy. Bet you didn't think the Navy was into such pagan things, did you? Well, it is and so is a large chunk of the United States federal government. The shape of the government's main military/war facility isn't a pentagonal shape for nothing, but that's another post.

The moon is waxing, on it's way to the Full Moon on March 21, when hopefully it will be springtime weatherwise. So focus on things you want to accomplish, things of expansion, and put some thought and action into those wishes for the next six days.

Peace to you all.

And special thanks to my beautiful friends Honnah and her mom Michelle for providing the name for this blog. Who loves ya, baby?