Structure Your Time & Monitor Your Health
With a waxing Moon in Virgo, it would be wise to focus on improving your health over the next couple of days. Eat healthy and increase your water intake if you aren't already drinking at or close to half your body weight in ounces of water. For example, if you weigh 160 pounds, drink 80 ounces of water each day.
Now is also a good time to focus on finding new ways to improve the quality and/or effectiveness of your routine daily activities. Is there a different route you could take to work that would save gasoline in your car and wear and tear on you? Tune into other structures within your life at all levels to see what needs to be fine tuned. Pay more attention to scheduling so you don't overbook yourself and be a little bit more aware of time and how you can best utilize it.
Mercury is still in retrograde, so if you feel an urge to expand your communications, just be mindful of what it is you are communicating and how you communicate it. Tune into your intended audience and let yourself be guided concerning how to best reach that audience for the highest good of all concerned. Focus on details and give the boss a little extra output.